Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Green Halloween

Halloween has green roots. Like most popular modern holidays, it is based on the traditional cycle of agricultural festivals -- in the case of Halloween, the observance of the final harvest of the year and the arrival of winter.
These days, however, many revelers are less conscious of their impact on the environment, and the holiday generally results in a lot of extra ecological damage.

In order to have a greener Halloween, consider every purchase carefully. If you want to distribute candy, the Natural Candy Store offers many attractive natural, organic and vegan options. If you'd like to consider a less sugary alternative, individually wrapped Z Bars or Twisted Fruits (from Clif Kids) are a couple of kid-friendly choices. If you're a real traditionalist, it's hard to go wrong with a local apple, individually wrapped by nature.

When it comes to the rest of your Halloween festivities, consider creating a costume out of clothing and accessories you already have, or crafting one from fabric you no longer need, rather than purchasing a new costume for a single use. A costume swap can even be a fun theme for a Halloween party, if you have friends who would also like to celebrate a green Halloween.

(Creative commons image by Juushika Redgrave)

1 comment:

  1. Your readers might also be interested in the wesbsite - it's packed with tips and tricks for celebrating a Healthy and eco-friendly Halloween.

    New for this year is an eco-fabulous marketplace with decor such as a platter made from skull-and-crossbone street sign to Fair skeleton Trade streamers.

    Also new for '09, a community board/discussion page (swap coatumes, share photos, recipes, etc.), downloadable action kits for teachers and parents and a national events page for finding Green Halloween events near you.
