Sunday, November 29, 2009

5 Tips to Keep You Looking Eco-Fabulous Before the Holidays

Black Friday was as busy as ever this year with people wanting to catch good deals while they lasted. For you, the green connoisseur, the luxurious but still very eco-conscious consumer, here are some tips to keep you fashion forward this winter, but without environmental blunder or busting your budget. 1) Don’t Forget Your Layers Layering items is the best way to stay warm and show off your fashion sensibilities in the winter months. Instead of wearing your biggest and warmest winter coat all through the winter, check the weather and see if you would fair better pairing your favorite sweater with a stylish vest and a lighter jacket over-top. Enough layers can keep things interesting and keep you warm. 2) What’s Old is New As you might be looking through your current wardrobe and wanting something new, think about your friends who might be having the same thought. Hosting a swap-party or else just inviting a friend over to raid your closet and then having them return the favor is a great way to recycle by bring new-to-you items into your wardrobe. Swapping clothes, shoes, and accessories with your friends is a great way to spice up your attire while helping out a friend and without spending a dime! 3) Just Sew It! Some items are too precious to ever let go, no matter what shape they’re in. Beloved sweaters with holes, ripped jeans, and purses with broken straps are a few of the thing that you might have around the house that could still be used in a fabulous way. A needle and thread can do wonders towards transforming an unusable item back to its original state. If it seems hard to find the time to sit down and sew, try doing it while watching your favorite television show. For ripped jeans, think about adding a patch with a flash of color to update the look. 4) Reclaim it In the course of life, things get broken or lost. Earrings with missing partners or broken jewelry or ceramics are a part of this system, but there are new creations to be made out of the remains. For single earrings, try using a necklace chain and fashioning the earring into a pendant. Broken jewelry can often be made into either charm bracelets or another useful jeweled item like a wine glass charm. Broken ceramics can be saved and used for pottery projects for you or an artistically inclined friend. 5) Remember the Internet For those items that don’t hold the same sentimentality, remember that there are many more way to sell them than to host a yard sale. Using websites such as Ebay and Craig’s List are an easy way to sell your unwanted items. The profits made from the sale could give you the chance to turn around and purchase new-to-you replacement items on the aforementioned site. So, while saving up to spoil your loved ones, use these tips to save money and the environment this winter while still remaining fashion forward. Image Credit: A Little Girl Talk, Flickr, Chica and Jo

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