Saturday, November 21, 2009

Sci-Fi Goes Green with New Novel, "Pollen"

The first 'eco-super hero', a friendly visitor from outer space, has come to warn humans of the impeding doom we have created through our lack of environmental concern in the new sci-fi thriller, "Pollen and the Ring of Harmony" by Francis T. Perry Williams.
Geared toward young adults, as well as sci-fi lovers of all ages, "Pollen" blends truth with fiction to bring a powerful wake-up call to the world.  Pollen treks across America to bring his message to the president and to urge humankind to live in harmony with nature before it's too late.  
About the Author
Francis T. Perry Williams, a Missouri native, has lived in California since 1960.  He has a degree in drama and has written, produced, and acted in plays, sitcoms, and other productions for more than 4 decades.  
Currently, Williams works as a personal fitness trainer in Venice Beach while he writes and enjoys an eco-friendly lifestyle.  He is also available for interviews, as well as promotions and special events.  
"Pollen and the Ring of Harmony" is available in bookstores, including Barnes and Noble and Borders, and can be ordered through Amazon.  Visit the Pollen and the Ring of Harmony website for more information. 

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