Sunday, December 27, 2009

4 Eco-Friendly Ways to Say Thank You for Holiday Gifts

You've opened all of your gifts, enjoyed the company of your friends and loved ones, and you're pretty sure that full feeling will last a few weeks - what now? Formally thanking the friends and family that gave you holiday gifts is a good idea. It shows gratitude and appreciation for the gifts you were given, and it's just plain polite. Below are 4 ways that you can say thank you for holiday gifts, eco-friendly style. 1. Traditional Thank You Letter If you don't want to stray from tradition too much, you can write a thank you letter to show appreciation. It's really great to open the mailbox and find a letter from a loved one, colleague or friend. To keep things green, use recycled paper like that found at Twisted Limb Paperworks. With a wide variety of products - from greeting cards and invitations to handmade paper - Twisted Limb helps keep letter-writing eco-friendly. Thick, luxurious handmade paper gives your letter a rustic feel - and there are many styles and colors to choose from. Also, check out the beautiful and unique paper-cutting thank you note tutorial from Craft Stylish. 2. Picture Note If you'd rather not go the hand-written letter route, there are other options. Take pictures of yourself and your family using the gift you received. Then, email the photos along with a note that thanks the individual who gave you the gift. This is a fun spin on the traditional thank-you note, and with more and more people using email and computers, it's perfectly acceptable. 3. Dinner Create a home-cooked dinner for your friend or family member who gave you the gift - and display it. For instance, serve the hors d'oeuvres on the beautiful platter your aunt gave you, or brew some of the delicious gourmet coffee your sister ordered for you. This is a great way of showing someone that you really love their gift, and they get the pleasure of watching you use and enjoy it. 4. A Kid's Thank You If you'd like to help your kids thank those who gave them gifts, but you know better than to try and sit them down with paper and a pen - try this unique idea. Help the kids create two to four line poems thanking the individuals and mentioning the gift they were given. The poems can be funny or touching - whatever reflects the kids' personalities. Then, they can call the individual and deliver their thank you. Family and friends will be thrilled and the unique thank you will make a lasting impression. Best of all - there is no paper wasted and the thank you is eco-friendly! No matter how you choose to thank your family, friends, colleagues and others for their gifts this holiday seasion - remember that a thank you from the heart will be remembered and cherished!

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