Thursday, December 24, 2009

Last Minute Ideas for a Green Christmas

While Christmas is only a day away, there are still many things that likely need to be put in order. For those of you who have caught the Christmas spirit, you might be thinking of things in terms of Santa's elves, who are still working at wrapping, stuffing stockings, and decorating the North Pole. Have no fear, however, because the Green Connoisseur is here to help you navigate your way through the world of green festivities. Wrapping Paper Wrapping paper is a beautiful way to be festive and to show the receiver that you care enough to go over the top with ribbons and bows. There are great green ways to show you care, however, other than coating a box in Santa and his reindeer. When it comes to wrapping paper, recycling the used wrapping is a first step towards sustainability. Saving this year’s paper and reusing it for next year is an even greener way. Just tell your loved ones to be careful as they unwrap and collect the paper once the gift has emerged. Another great idea is to use colorful newspapers or magazines that were headed for the recycling bin and choosing images and articles that speak towards the gift recipient. While it may not be store bought, a movie review starring a favorite actor wrapped around a special gift would really show that you care. If you have kids, why not let them decorate with crayons or markets using paper grocery bags as the base. Or, to be truly sustainable, try something completely reusable such as a bandanna or old shirts. Decorations Ribbons for gifts or for a wreath, and ornaments for a tree or for around the house, can all have a green twist. For ribbons, think about using the old tape from a video or cassette. They curl just like traditional ribbon using scissors! Or for the special gift, try decorating with broken shoelaces, old buttons, tape measures, or even broken Christmas lights to make a gift look truly original. If you have Christmas tree lights that still work, try stuffing them into an empty wine bottle for a festive centerpiece. Better yet, choose LED Christmas lights that use 80-90% less energy for all of your lighting needs. For tinsel to decorate a tree, think about using aluminum cans and cutting them in a spiral to loop around or across a tree, wreath, or anywhere else around the house. Just be careful with your fingers and be sure to recycle the cans again after the holidays. So, Merry Christmas Eve from the Green Connoisseur for those of you who celebrate the holiday, and remember that no matter the occasion, there is an eco-conscious way to celebrate in luxury! Image Credit: QPSU, Cliquee, Country Living, Ticklymoo, Wit and Whistle, Daily Danny

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