Friday, December 11, 2009

Ship Green This Season with Eco-Friendly Packaging Materials

Thousands of packages will be making their way around the globe over the next few weeks as gifts are exchanged with family and friends both near and far.  Holiday shipping can have a huge impact on the planet - not just the fossil fuels burned to transport those gifts, but the boxes, paper, tape, and other packaging supplies that make their way to the landfill after the season is over.
There are lots of ways to minimize the environmental impact of shipping - the most economical being to reuse and recycle what you already have.  If you've already recycled your leftover boxes and newspapers, check out the comprehensive line of eco-friendly shipping materials from CareMail.
CareMail offers everything you need to ship eco-friendly this season, from solvent-free packaging tape to post-consumer recycled boxes and mailers:
Ideal for books, CDs, and other small but fragile gift ideas, CareMail cushioned mailers are available in 3 convenient sizes.  The mailers are cushioned with recycled newsprint and made from renewable resources rather than plastic.  They are also completely recyclable.
CareMail shipping boxes are also 100% recyclable and are made from 90% post-consumer materials.  The durable boxes are available in 4 sizes to accommodate most of your gift-shipping needs.  
Eco-friendly packing is covered with CareMail's product line as well.  Greenwrap is the perfect alternative to bubble wrap and is made from biodegradable recycled fibers.  76% of the materials come from certified sustainable forests and the material is recyclable after use.  Post-consumer recycled Kraft paper is excellent for packing delicate items and can also double as eco-friendly gift wrap.  
You'll also find post-consumer recycled Eco Packing to provide shock absorption and cushioning for those fragile gifts and biodegradable, static-free packing peanuts - made of corn and potato starch from CareMail. 
Where to Buy
CareMail's eco-friendly shipping supplies can be purchased at Staples or online at Amazon and the Green Postal Store.

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