"Are you doing the work you know you were meant to do? Does it allow you to spend most or all of your time doing work you are uniquely good at, work you love, work that is genuinely needed in the world, and 'on purpose' for you?"
Do you ever find yourself pondering questions like these?
If so, you're far from alone, and you're in luck, because entrepreneur Dave Pollard has written a book (
Finding the Sweet Spot: The Natural Entrepreneur's Guide to Reponsible, Sustainable, Joyful Work) for you.
Frustrated by the perceived divide between profitable businesses, sustainable enterprises, and for that matter, personally satisfying work, Pollard set out to explore these attitudes and the way to transform them.
Pollard has also written a series of articles based on the principles of this book. Curious if your current work situation stands up to his rigorous scrutiny? Check out this
questionnaire based on the fifteen qualities of natural enterprises. But don't despair. According to Pollard, more and more businesses are meeting these criteria daily, and if the opportunity you're looking for isn't out there yet, chances are you can make it yourself.
Labels: books, work
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